Notice of company name change to Spiral Ventures Pte Ltd.

Corporate 2017.03.23

IMJ Investment Partners Pte Ltd is pleased to announce the change of its company name to Spiral Ventures Pte Ltd.

  1. Background of the name change

Our company was established in 2012 by IMJ Corporation (“IMJ”), a major digital marketing company, as an independent venture capital subsidiary in Japan. After IMJ was acquired by Culture Convenience Club (“CCC”) in 2013, we continued our investment activities independently, and eventually relocated our office to Singapore to change our strategy and start a venture capital fund for the Southeast Asia market. In 2015, we established the Japan office and started a venture capital fund for the Japanese market.

In tandem with the expansion of our business above, a shareholders group led by our management has acquired the equity stake of our company from the CCC Group. We believe that this change in ownership makes the independence of our fund operation more evident. With a new company name, we aim to make a fresh start as an independent venture capital firm.

  1. Overview of the group



Spiral Ventures, as a venture capital firm operating in both Asia and Japan, will aim to create value through investments in each region.


Spiral Ventures Pte Ltd / Spiral Ventures Asia Ltd
TEL : +65-6692-8341

Spiral Ventures Japan LLP
TEL: 03-6452-8615